Online Voting – Hello, Florida! (updated)

Why use for your next Florida HOA online election?

We offer everything to make your election a success. Assuming you have collected member consent to online elections, here are the capabilities our software provides:

(a) Able to authenticate the member’s identity.

(b) Able to authenticate the validity of each electronic vote to ensure that the vote is not altered in transit.

(c) Able to transmit a receipt to each member who casts an electronic vote.

(d) If the association’s bylaws provide for secret ballots for the election of directors, the system is able to permanently separate any authentication or identifying information from the electronic election ballot, rendering it impossible to tie an election ballot to a specific member.

(e) Able to store and keep electronic ballots accessible to election officials for recount, inspection, and review purposes.

If you want to learn about the Florida Online election Statute, please visit Florida gov.

Note: In 2015, we announced online Elections for HOAs in the sunshine state. This is an update to that blog post.

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