Proxies have increasingly become an important element in homeowners associations, and yet they remain a point of confusion for many board members. Proxies can be utilized to benefit the community aspect of a homeowners association, acting as a stand-in for absent residents. Such a tool as a proxy can be indispensable to a well-functioning HOA…” Source:

Proxy voting expands the opportunities for home owners and condominium owners to participate in association governance and policy-making. More importantly, proxy ballots may be necessary to ensure a quorum is met. Typically a proxy is used when a member cannot attend a meeting. The proxy holder must appear at the meeting to cast a ballot on behalf of the proxy giver.

There are two types of proxies:

  • A general proxy allows the proxy holder to vote without restriction, allowing him to exercise his discretion.
  • A limited or directed proxy restricts the voting power of the proxy holder. The restriction may relate to voting at a specific event or on a specific issue or may direct how the proxy holder must vote, support both types of proxies. Want to move your proxies for your board election or annual meeting bylaw propositions online? Learn more

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