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How to be Prepared for Your Next Election

how to be prepared for your next election blog feature image

how to be prepared for your next election blog feature image

Unsure how to be ready for your upcoming election with AssociationVoting? We know online voting is a new concept for some organizations, as many are used to voting in person using paper ballot methods. If you’re worried that you aren’t prepared for your election, don’t worry! AssociationVoting has your back. Here are a few things to ensure you have completed prior to your election for a successful voting experience.

5 Business Days Prior to Election

A minimum of 5 business days prior to your organization’s election launch, there are a few documents and other  pieces of information that AssociationVoting needs to ensure your election site launches on time.

Once all of these items have been sent to AssociationVoting, we will begin setting up your Election Site! If your organization does not have time to get all of this information to us 5 business days prior to your election launch, no worries! An additional $150 expedited setup fee is in place to put a rush on the election setup if needed. However, this does not mean your organization is guaranteed to receive an Election Site in time for the launch.

2 Business Days Prior to Election

Two days prior to the launch of your election, your Election Site will be provided to you for your review and testing. Voting Managers will receive an email equipped with a User Guide. With testing instructions, testing can be easily completed in three steps!

  1. Turn test more on
  2. Practice voting to visualize the process & call out any changes that need to be made
  3. Turn test mode off to clear out voters prior to the actual launch of your election

After testing, send any changes that need to be made to your Election Site to AssociationVoting, and we will handle it from there!

1 Business Day Prior to Election

The day before your election, Voting Managers send any necessary changes or updates to AssociationVoting’s Customer Support team will notify you once your requested changes are made. AV’s Support team will assist with changes and updates to the initial set-up, but Voting Managers have the capability to make any additional changes within the Voting Manager portal on their own if needed.


By following this timeline and ensuring all of your required information is submitted on time, your election is sure to be successful! AssociationVoting’s Customer Support team is here to assist you along the way. Whether it’s your first election with AV or your fifth, we’ve got your back. For more details on pre-election requirements, check out this help article. Send any questions you may have to and we will be happy to assist you.


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