If you want to experience the actual look and feel of an AssociationVoting hosted election, take a moment to visit the online video which shows a typical voting experience for two different online voting members.
In the video located on the page listed above, the voter’s experience is examined and demonstrated. Two ballots for two different voters in two different regions are cast and the items shown are listed below:
- Ballot open and close time;
- reconfigurable member identification (member number, email, username/password); group and district voting;
- personalized ballots;
- candidate write-ins;
- ballot preview;
- candidate selection limit enforcement;
- voting receipt and confirmation of cast ballot;
- repeated voting prevention;
- one member/one vote enforcement.
Once you have taken a moment to consider all of these options that AssociationVoting can bring to your organization’s election, please request your own Free Trial.
Post submitted by Johanna