

Ready to start your 2023 Election?

We are excited for the opportunity to support your election! We have several new features to make your voter’s election experience even better and your election creation even easier! We…

Top New Features from 2021

Happy 2022! Let’s review the 2021 Brand Spanking NEW Features available for your upcoming elections. Check out our list of 10! 1) Start…Stop Your Election Round! Many General Assembly elections require voting…

Prevent Voter Fraud

Safeguard your Election against attempted Fraudulent Voting! AV follows and utilizes industry-standard security measures. However, your set-up decisions can expose vulnerability to election fraud, particularity when it come to voter…

Updated Uploader Interface

​We have updated the interface for the uploader to improve tracking of your progress through the upload process. Here’s an example of our new status indicator:

Cast Ballot Receipt NOW available via EMAIL!

​Did I vote for Jamie Smith? I CAST my ballot, right? No more emails or calls regarding ballot selections and cast ballot confirmation. AssociationVoting.com has always provided a Voter Confirmation…

Increase Voter Turnout with AssociationVoting

In 2012 with AssociationVoting’s support MAAR tripled the association’s voter turnout as compared to the previous 3 years! 2012 was the first year MAAR utilized online election service from AssociationVoting.…

Getting Started: What about a Hybrid Election?

Your organization may be like others that have members who need assistance in making the transition from using a paper ballot to using online voting. AssociationVoting has developed a hybrid…

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