August Customer Spotlight!

av august newsletter customer success story

This August, AssociationVoting wants to highlight one of our newest customers – Brightwater on the New River, an HOA/POA account. From election set up to ballot send out, we are delighted with how smoothly and efficiently this election ran.

Brightwater on the New Rivier purchased our Single Election License: MICRO under 126 Members. This election license also includes email announcements which allows the voting admin to send out one election announcement email campaign as well as one reminder email campaign. With AssociationVoting, voting admin have the ability to customize and set up their own ballot. Here’s what Brightwater on the New River had to say about their election set-up process:

“The election set-up process was really quick and easy to complete. The response to online voting has been very positive. I even went in after our campaign started and made a change to the ballot. I am very happy with how simple it has been to use your platform. I was also pleasantly surprised by the amount of options available for setting up the ballot.”

– Elizabeth, POA Vice-President

After taking the time to set-up and customize the ballot, the election begins, and voters have a pre-specified amount of time to fill in and submit their ballots. Online voting allows for voters to submit their ballots from home and on their own time, eliminating the hassle of paper ballots. Elizabeth, POA Vice-President, at Brightwater on the New River was extremely happy with how their voting process panned out:

“The overall sentiment from the community was that the AV site was super easy to use. I loved that once the election window was closed, our results were immediately available. I also liked having the ability to export our voting report to save with our records. We will definitely be using AV for our next event!”

– Elizabeth, POA Vice-President

Overall, we are pleased with how this election went from set up to ballot send out to results sharing! To learn more about how AssociationVoting can simplify your online voting process, check out our website or email Kim Harwood,

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