AssociationVoting: Engage your Association Members
I recently read a blog post on Acronym regarding streaming live association board meetings as a way to further involve and engage members. According to the blog’s comments, not many…
Why use a third party for your AssociationVoting Needs?
AssociationVoting customers answered this question with some great insight as to why working through a third-party for association elections is a WIN for the association! We’ve listed a few of…
Announce Your Association Election with AssociationVoting
So you’ve joined the ranks of associations that offer the convenience of online elections to their members! We estimate that 60% of associations offer online elections or a combination of…
AssociationVoting Setup Service – Online Elections Even Easier
Although we’ve designed AssociationVoting’s, ballot manager interface to be very easy to use—sometimes there’s not even time for easy. So, let’s us do it! AssociationVoting will set up ballots for…
Online Elections through AssociationVoting Saves $ and TIME for Small Organizations
I recently had a conversation with a small group that thought, with a few hundred members, they were too small to conduct an online election. When the alternative is a…
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New Feature: Voting Receipt
We have another new feature for the standard voting software version 2.1; this one is an option that you can enable or not depending on your experience with your members.…
Two Ways to Save Election Results
We have a great new feature and two great ways for you to record the results of your online election for institutional history and legal compliance.. We understand that one…
Introducing version 2.1!
Version 2.1 of our online voting application is now available! Version 2.1 has all the popular features of our original service, plus a couple of great new features based…
District and Group Voting
A feature we’re particularly proud of is how our software handles group voting. It always seemed strange when we heard the idea that, to have an election with four statewide…